Tag: Resolutions

Planning for 2025

Everyone knows the value of good planning. Leaders especially appreciate the need to make the proper plans to reach established goals.

Tonight we say goodbye to a year through which we will never walk again. We cannot relive it. We cannot change it. All we can do is examine it and make plans to do better in the future.

Plans are not New Year’s resolutions.

Plans are not goals.

Plans involve the activities necessary to keep our resolutions and reach our goals.

The old adage says, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

We all need short and long-term goals. How we plan to reach our goals makes a difference.


Everyone knows the value of good planning. Leaders will especially appreciate the need to make proper plans to reach established goals.

Plans are not wishes or resolutions.

Plans are not goals.

Plans involve the activities necessary to reach for our wishes, keep our resolutions, and achieve our goals.

There is an old adage that says; “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

We all need short and long-term goals, both on a personal and professional level. However, once your goals are established, focus on the details of a proper plan to ensure success.

Preparing for the New Year

How do you close out one year and begin another? We like a fresh start, new opportunities, a renewed sense of hope that things will be better. Perhaps this is why New Year’s Resolutions are popular.

As you close out 2021 and start 2022 consider four possibilities.

1) Establish essential resolutions. These are resolutions that build confidence in our leadership.
2) Set daily reminders. Find a way to remind yourself of these resolutions every day.
3) Connect resolutions to others. Use a support system to encourage fulfilling each one.
4) Celebrate each victory. Find a way to celebrate the achievement with a reminder of more to come.