Tag: Romans 8:31-39

Enduring Leaders

Endurance is often challenging. To endure involves bearing up under the load, far more than being patient.

While we are to be patient, to endure takes us to a level that challenges our ability to hold on, and hold on longer than we can imagine.

What will help us endure these challenges?

Remember, “If God brings us to it, He will see us through it.”

God is faithful. He is with us and He is for us (Rom. 8:31-39)!

No matter how difficult, do not forget that challenges are temporary.

With proper perspective we can endure, especially knowing our God is in control.


Courage is a choice made in the moment it is needed.

We could talk about areas that create fear and the fallout from it. We could also examine a number of ways to overcome fear.

We know the value of healthy fear when danger can inflect harm.

What really enables us to overcome the battles and storms of life that seem to intimidate and discourage us? What empowers us to overcome the insecurities, doubt, and distractions that prevent the choice of courage?

Through it all, one powerful thought is needed for leaders. God is with us and He is for us. Read Romans 8:31-39.

Our Greatest Ally

Leadership is not about trying to make things happen on our own. The minute we go at it alone, we are destined to fail.

When David faced Goliath he knew the One who was there to help him. Goliath came to the battle as a warrior armed with a javelin, sword and spear. However, David came with the living God of Israel on his side. Who do you think won?

Do we know our greatest Ally? When we come to the battle with the living God on our side, we cannot fail.

Paul reminds us of this truth (Rom. 8:31-39).