Tag: Rut

Getting Out of the Rut

The rut is easy, comfortable, and expected.

We never seem to find the time to talk to a neighbor about Jesus. We are busy with a variety of family and work activities. Starting a Bible study would fill up another night. When we get home at night we are tired and we just want to sit down and relax.

However, our neighbors, the grocery clerk, bank teller, those in sales,and the waiter or waitress, still need Christ.

We have to get out of the rut, get uncomfortable, and start thinking souls. We are spiritual leaders and our task on earth is to lead others to Him.

Leaders in Progress

When we think of progress, we often think of a forward movement toward a specific destination. However, we must also think in terms that can be measured.

One of the challenges leaders face in making progress is the result of thinking qualitative, rather than quantitative. We have a vague idea, but can’t really determine if we are making progress or not.

Leaders must establish short- and long-term goals that enable everyone to see progress. Here is where we ignite enthusiasm and greater involvement follows.

Get out of the status quo rut and take the initiative to lead from the front.