Tag: Salt and Light

Influence…Part 1

Jesus described His disciples as salt and light. These terms identify influence in the realm to which they are applied. Thus, Christians are to be an influence in the world.

Our influence is determined by words, attitudes, conduct / behavior, and activities.

Christians have been known to get as close to the line of worldliness as possible in order to have this influence. Many have selected close relationships with non-Christians with this in mind. Sadly, the influence is often reversed and Christians can be drawn away from their convictions.

Let us be careful how we influence others.

Words and Influence…

One of the great principles of leadership, simple and overused, involves the nature of our influence. Jesus said we are the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” (Mt. 5:13-16).

Throughout the letters written to specific individuals and the various churches of God’s people, the word salt is used twice (Col. 4:6; Jas. 3:12). In both the use of salt is connected to the tongue.

Words spoken carelessly and without thought can destroy our influence and once destroyed it is difficult, if not impossible, to regain.

The precedent of our words establish a leadership influence worthy of following.