Tag: Salvation

Being Spent

Spiritual leaders need to consider the words of Paul, “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.”

Paul was willing to give of himself in every way for the benefit of others. Specifically, he desired their salvation.

In a self-serving and self-driven world, it is challenging to find those who have a greater desire to give than receive. However, as spiritual leaders, our focus must be on giving ourselves to others so that they might be saved.

I pray our spiritual leadership is of such nature that we look for ways to give of ourselves to help direct people to heaven.

Suffering Leaders

Jesus suffered on numerous occasions at the hands of religious leaders who sought to eliminate this threat to their position and power.

The ultimate suffering, however, did not come at their hands, even though they instigated the procedure.

Jesus would encounter suffering beyond imagination, as He was beaten, ridiculed, mocked with a crown of thorns, spit upon, scourged, and nailed to a cross at the hands of Rome.

Suffering is not often seen as greatness, rather a stumbling block and foolishness. To those who are saved, however, it is the power of God.

The higher we go in leadership the greater the sacrifice we must make.

Salt and Light

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth….you are the light of the world.”

Salt and light make a difference when present. The analogy for Christians indicates that our influence should make a difference for good.

Outside of the Gospels, the word salt is used only twice and both times (Col. 4:6; Jas. 3:12) it directly speaks to the influence of our words.

The use of light addresses our conduct (Mt. 5:16). Peter spoke about the type of conduct that contributes to the salvation of others (1 Pe. 2:12).

Let us use our influence (words and conduct) to lead others to Him.

What If?

Life is filled with many “if’s.” We struggle to answer the “what if” questions in life.

What if we lose our job?
What if we suffer a terminal illness or tragedy?
What if we miss an opportunity?
What if we fail?
What if we forget an important date or task?
What if we have not done enough?
What if…

When this happens, we often turn to a works oriented, Pharisaical based relationship with God.

We lose sight of God’s grace and the joy of His salvation.

Leadership doesn’t mean we escape the “if’s” in life. Rather, we know where to point others for the right coverage provided by God for every “if” in life.

Leading By Example

Leaders are characterized by their example, and we all set an example by our words and actions.

Paul identified five areas where Timothy was to provide an example as someone who believed: speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Tim. 4:12).

As parents, children, siblings, employees, and in all other relationships we might consider, our lives should reflect the example set by our Lord.

Notice the results of a good example: 1) we please the Lord, 2) we ensure salvation for ourselves and those who hear us, 3) others know the direction to follow, and 4) our relationships grow stronger.

Self-aware Leaders…

David often expressed the impact of his actions on his relationship with God. He acknowledges his failings and the division it caused with friends, family and enemies.

In the midst of his penitent suffering, David says of his enemies, “They oppose me, because I follow what is good.”

David exemplifies a leader with self-awareness and reliance upon God.

Godly leaders face many challenges. They often fear people leaving, speaking against them, and facing opposition. Remember to follow what is good, even in the midst of the most difficult challenges.

David concludes, God will not be far away. He is salvation and deliverance.

Leading in Uncertain Times…

In light of recent events, it seems appropriate to consider how to respond in these uncertain times.

1) Remember every person was created in the image of God. The beauty of this thought should motivate us to reach out with the same compassion God demonstrated toward us.

2) Leadership is about people. We do not lead objects, but people. Until leaders look through the eyes of God and the lens of humanity, this thought will be challenging.

3) How would we want someone to treat us if the roles were reversed? It is difficult in the midst of comfortability to reverse the circumstances and picture the need.

4) The need for salvation overrides any other possible reason for inactivity. Everyone needs Christ and Christ died for everyone!

Let us lead with these in mind.

Crossroads of Leadership…

Crossroads is a classic written by Robert Johnson and performed by numerous artists.

Several have tried to explain the meaning of this song. The most revealing involves Johnson’s struggle with loneliness, especially connected to the desperation of finding his way home from an unfamiliar place.

Leadership can certainly be a lonely place and it can also take us into unfamiliar places where we desperately seek our way home.

The result brings us to a crossroads, where we question our leadership. We face challenging decisions.

Spiritually, we constantly face crossroads. The decisions we make in those moments determine salvation or condemnation. Our leadership must serve to help others at the crossroads make the right decisions and find their way home.