Tag: Satan

Finish Well

There is something about the grand opening, the starting gun, the first day, or the kick off that strikes at the heart of people to get them on board.

Being short-sighted and seeking immediate satisfaction often prevents long range goals from reaching fruition.

Weariness, stress, slow movement, and discouragement set in and cause us to forget or lose sight of the original goals.

The idea of finishing well––or strong––is becoming more prevalent. We need leaders who know how to start and finish well.

Satan does not mind our starting if he knows he can prevent us from finishing.

Let us stay the course and finish well.

Strength in Numbers

A friend of mine once asked me the one lesson I had learned in my study of the Bible. He then said, “Always remember, you can’t make it on your own.”

The lesson I learned that day left a lasting impact on my life and ministry.

Solomon argues, “Two are better than one…A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).

There is strength in numbers.

Satan, our adversary, wants us alone because he knows we are more vulnerable.

Leaders need to work together to encourage one another, grow to maturity, and defeat the enemy.

The strength leaders gain from being together lays a foundation for future leaders.

Never Give Up

When we give up…

We lose the edge of our character and get discouraged.
We will wonder what could have happened “if” we had endured.
Someone else will lead, and their leadership may not be the right direction.
The opportunity to bring lasting change is delayed, if not eliminated.

The bottom line is – Satan wins!

Leadership has never been an easy road to walk. There are always problems to deal with and opposition to overcome.

However, we must not allow those obstacles and challenges to cause us to give up.

A little twist on an old adage may prove helpful, leaders never quit and quitters never lead.

Strength in Numbers

When we go at life alone, we are vulnerable. Satan wants us to try and make it on our own because we are vulnerable to his attacks. Learning to avoid the “Elijah Syndrome” is critical to the strength of our success in honoring and glorifying our God.

Consider the strength in leadership when there is counsel from several. The attempts to make decisions and implement plans on our own will most certainly meet with challenges at best and failure at worst.

There is strength in numbers. It is true in every area of life and leadership. The benefits far outweigh the consequences of going at it alone.

Best Day Ever

What is the “best day ever?”

From a spiritual leadership perspective, the idea has a whole new meaning. The best day ever occurred at the resurrection of Jesus.

Here is where Jesus defeated Satan. Here is where the fear of death was removed. Here is where hope of something better beyond this life was given.

Christianity is based on this fact! Without the resurrection, Paul describes the tragedy that exists in being a Christian (1 Co. 15:12-19).

The resurrection changes everything in how we lead others.

There is something worth living and dying for, something worth leading for…because He lives!

Walking Away…

Robert Tew wrote, “Sometimes walking away has nothing do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.”

Satan wants us to believe our worth is summed up in achieved success, what others say about us, and what we have materially. No greater lie exists.

When we understand we are God’s children, made in His image, our worth changes incredibly.

Resist the temptation to find worth in the temporal things of this life and realize the greatness of God. Walking away from sin is eternally worth it all.

Guarding Against Materialism…

The most prevalent way to meet Satan head on is knowing how he attacks. One specific area he uses to destroy the faith of Christians is materialism. We’ve all seen the affects of materialism in our own lives and in others.

The struggle and desire for “things” is a universal epidemic. Sadly, it creates other sinful attitudes and issues. We can easily develop envy, jealousy, greed, and become idolatrous.

Leaders must rise up and guard the faith of Christians. They must set the example and seek ways to assist others who struggle in this battle. 

Perhaps the first step would be to seek God’s help.

Guardians of the Faith…

Guarding the faith of Christians is not an easy task? The battle is fierce. The danger is great. The opportunities for success may be few. 

However, with God on our side we are assured victory.

Satan works to fill our schedules to overflowing. We get busy with so much stuff we have no time left for eternal matters.

While it is true for each of us individually, we can also get so busy with programs and activities within the church we lose sight of our purpose.

We need balance. When we allow these things to push out the spiritual, Satan can steal our faith. 

We need guardians.