Tag: Servant

Leading with Self-Control

Self-control is about mastery over self by becoming a servant.

When we understand the fruit of the Spirit as qualities demonstrated outwardly, towards other people, it can be confusing when we come to self-control. We often see this more inwardly focused.

This is an incorrect assumption. Self-control, like the rest, is to be focused on others, or “others-directed.” I like the term “others-centric.”

It should stand to reason that if we are others-centric we would cultivate the self-control we need, not with self as the focus but with the focus on others.

This quality will not allow us to be self-centered.

Eliminating Self

When our speech (spoken or written) is filled with personal pronouns, e.g. “me,” “myself,” and “I,” then leaders need to step back and evaluate what, or perhaps more appropriate, who they are promoting.

The strength of spiritual leadership must be focused on the good of others, even at the expense of self.

Jesus taught the need of being a servant (Jn. 13), He used the term love regarding a new commandment.

This type of leadership testifies to our discipleship of Jesus.

How do we demonstrate love if our words and actions are self-serving?

Leadership is filled with its challenges, not the least of which is serving self.


What motivates you?

The New Testament provides several counter-cultural examples to help us learn the power of motivation.

The motive for being first or greatest in the kingdom is about being a servant of all.

The motive for receiving is based in presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice to the Lord.

The motive for being blessed is about giving to others rather than receiving.

The motive for not forsaking our assembling together is through exciting others to love and good works.

Do we motivate others toward desired interests? Do we set the example based on what motivates us in the same direction?

Servant Leadership

What qualities describe the perfect leader?

One quality, exemplified by Jesus, that seems to rise to the top is a servant’s heart.

Here are a few lessons to learn from His example:

1) Servants do not look out for their own interests, but seek to put others above themselves (Phi. 2:3-5).

2) Servants are aware of the present circumstances and extend a solution to the need (Jn. 6:1-14 cf. v. 5).

3) Servants never seek opportunity for their own glory, but look to glorify God (Mt. 5:16; Jn. 8:49-59).

These three ideas provide ideas worth exploring to improve our leadership.

Actions and Motives

Leaders give of their time and ability to help others. It demands their attention and willingness to see others reach their greatest potential. Whatever it takes becomes the mindset of spiritual leaders who sacrifice their own will for the will of God.

The idea of selflessness is so interrelated it becomes difficult to distinguish. However, the difference is seen in the action of one and the motivation in the other. Effective leadership will make sacrifices, but the reason they make them is the selfless heart of God’s servant.

These two concepts speak for themselves, but the related ideas help all of us lead with the right actions and motives.

John…Part 2

John’s writings identify the type of leadership he provided for the church. As I mentioned last week, several of these qualities provide an example for us today.

Fellowship: John understood the value of fellowship among Christians and with the Lord. He urged Christians to walk in fellowship with God and each other.

Vision: John knew the future of the church depended on men who were willing to work in the fields of harvest. He also knew such men needed support.

Servant: John’s writings about Jesus as a servant were followed by his own example to the church. Reading through his letters shows the qualities of a servant leader.

Leading by Example

The idea of setting an example for others is nothing new. Nestled in this principle is an understanding of influence. We influence people everyday. Some we influence for what is right and some for wrong. The difference is based in our example.

Setting an example is connected to consistency. Mahatma Ghandi is noted as saying we must become the change we want to see.

Setting an example is also associated with servanthood. The only time Jesus gave an example He said to follow was related to being a servant.

To be the leaders God needs today, we need to understand the significance identified with setting the example.

Servant Leaders

Leadership is not a located idea. Leadership is universal in application and is not limited to race, gender, age, or position.

Anyone can lead from anywhere.

We must continually learn from others about leadership. When we learn about the sacrifice, dedication, passion, and attitude of true servant leaders, we should be encouraged to do the same.

They give their lives to prepare others.
They dedicate their time to the work.
They love their people.
They work to serve, not to be served.

The example provided by them demonstrates the character needed for those who learn from them.

Lead Like Jesus

Often, the way we dress, where we live, the car we drive, the way we walk and talk is based on imitating someone else.

Leaders are not followed because they are like someone else, but because they know how to find their own voice. They are unique, a pioneer in their own rights.

Isn’t this what we seek from our leadership?

From a biblical perspective, we are to imitate Jesus. His leadership style set a precedent that revolutionized His era.

It is not popular in the world, but when leaders practice this same leadership style, a revolution will also occur today.

Servant Leadership

I recently heard Patrick Lencioni say, “There is no such thing as servant leadership. Leaders are servants. They either serve themselves or they serve others.”

Gillian Anderson said, “Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need.”

Among the numerous qualities of a servant, a few qualities are difference makers.

1) Empathy
2) Building community
3) Commitment to people
4) Stewardship

Leaders who serve follow the example of Christ and can change the world.