Tag: Shepherd

Relational Leadership

The Gospel of Matthew wants us to pay attention and observe. The genealogical record, activity of angels, fulfillment of prophecy, and the involvement of dreams are all significant to the claim of Jesus as the Christ.

Several terms used to describe the work of Jesus as the Christ include: shepherd, ruler, king, light, and healer.

Another is built upon the name, Immanuel––God with us. The true nature of relationships involves being present.

If God left the glory of heaven to be with us––to shepherd, rule, provide light and heal––then we should also recognize that leading others necessitates our being present in all our relationships.


Leaders must be technically proficient. There are two primary areas where this principle has direct application.

First, leaders need to know their job. They need to know what they are supposed to be doing. When they do not, the result is disastrous for the overall production of the group and task.

Second, leaders need to be familiar with the job responsibilities of others. Unless leaders know the job responsibilities of others and provide accountability for the work, progress becomes dependent on leadership to carry on the work.

From a spiritual perspective, when leaders are no proficient we find sheep without a shepherd.

Role of the Shepherd…#8

The final statement is perhaps the most beautiful part of this prayer. Jesus says, “I have given them the glory that you gave me.” 

Ultimately, the role of the shepherd is to give sheep the glory God.

The glory Jesus received from the Father is of epic proportions. The reason he gave it was so that the apostles would be united, one as he was one with the Father.

Shepherds, it is the glory of God given to the sheep that provides a basis for unity, that we might all be one.

What a fitting way to conclude the role of the shepherd from Jesus’ prayer.

Role of the Shepherd…#7

The next thought expressed is one that aligns with the Great Commission. Jesus says, “I have sent them into the world.”

Although not of the world, they were in the world and had a task to complete. 

When “church” is confined to the building, shepherds stop short of understanding the significance of this role. When the sheep assemble together, it is time to encourage, strengthen, build up, and prepare them to be sent into the world.

Shepherds, always remember that the time spent with sheep to equip them to be sent into the world makes the difference in how the sheep survive and return from the battles ahead.

Role of the Shepherd…#6

The next statement in Jesus’ prayer is also a critical part of the role of the shepherd. He says, “I protected them and kept them safe.”

Shepherds are responsible for protecting and keeping the sheep safe. Paul identifies this in his letter to Titus. Shepherds are to protect and keep sheep safe from those who would lead them away from God. Perhaps this is why shepherds must be teachers.

What is beautiful is the fact Jesus says, “By that name you gave me.” The powerful name of Jesus carries protective authority. Shepherds must use every opportunity to protect and keep the sheep safe by the name of Jesus.

Role of the Shepherd…#5

One of the most significant statements relating to the role of the shepherd is the third. Jesus says, “I pray for them.”

While shepherds carry numerous responsibilities, this one is key. The value of shepherds who pray for their sheep by name cannot be overstated.

As I have met with numerous shepherds across the country, I am encouraged to learn about those who spend hours of time praying for the sheep. They mention them by name and make specific requests on their behalf.

Another common practice is a “Shepherd’s Prayer” after the lesson is presented. May more shepherds realize the essential nature of this role.

Role of the Shepherd…#4

The second statement closely follows yesterday’s thought. Jesus says, “I gave them the words you gave me.” He repeats the idea by saying, “I have given them your word.”

Shepherds are responsible for spiritually feeding the sheep and the spiritual food required for God’s sheep is His word.

In Psalm 23, David relates a similar thought, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Shepherds know where to lead sheep that they might eat what is best for them. 

Today, the idea rests upon providing the spiritual food that strengthens and sustains the sheep. Know the word of God and use its nutrition to help the sheep grow.

Role of the Shepherd…#3

The first statement Jesus makes is emphasized twice in John 17. He says, “I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world.” Although slightly different, Jesus goes on to later say, “I have made you known to them.”

The thought expressed is significant. Shepherds are responsible for revealing or making God known to those who follow.

God has given a flock and He wants His shepherds to make Him known to the sheep. Jesus did this for the disciples, living how to do the same today. Read through the gospels and highlight His example.

Role of the Shepherd…#2

One of the “I am” statements in the Gospel of John provides a beautiful description of Jesus, “I am the good shepherd” (Jn. 10:11).

Naturally, we assume that as a shepherd His life and words would help us understand this role, or responsibility.

In His prayer (Jn. 17), six statements are made that suggest the role of the shepherd. We will list all six and then expound on each one beginning tomorrow.

“I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world.”
“I gave them the words you gave me.”
“I pray for them.”
“I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me.”
“I have sent them into the world.”
“I have given them the glory that you gave me.”

Role of the Shepherd…#1

A frequently asked question in the church today is, “What is an elders’ role?” We often refer to the qualifications (1 Tim. 3; Tit. 1), but what exactly is their function?

The term “shepherd” has become more popular in recent years. As a result, a shepherd’s work is aligned with what we read in Psalm 23. He leads, guides, refreshes, walks alongside, comforts, prepares, and anoints. 

Perhaps others come to mind, but these provide a healthy list related to a shepherd’s role, or work. 

Over the next few days, we will examine another perspective provided by Jesus. The intent is to help us consider the responsibility of the church’s leadership today.