Tag: Simon Sinek

Nervous or Excited?

Simon Sinek claims everyone deals with situations where they face pressure. The tendency is to think they are nervous. The body reacts with an increased heart rate, tension, and maybe sweaty palms. Interestingly, these same reactions occur when we get excited.

The difference involves learning to interpret the signs through another type of lens. Instead of thinking we are nervous, we need to view it as a level of excitement.

The mental exercise of retraining the way we view and think about the situation requires a little time, but creates a powerful approach to the pressures that exist and how we move ahead.

Leadership Commitment

Leaders must be committed to fulfilling the vision for the organization. We also understand the need for commitment to achieve our goals each year.

Among several possibilities, have we ever considered our level of commitment to others? Simon Sinek says, “Leadership is always a commitment to human beings.”

To separate our commitment to leadership from our relationship to people is to miss leadership completely. Without a commitment to people, without the people component in our leadership, the only remaining possibility becomes egocentric and self-driven.

Our leadership must achieve greater heights for the cause of Christ. May we always be committed to others in our leadership.

Circle of Safety

Mark Twain expressed the following idea, “Great things can happen if we don’t care who gets the credit.”

John Maxwell took this idea to another level saying, “Great things can and actually do happen when we give others the credit.”

We know from a biblical perspective that spiritual leadership will not allow a self-centered attitude to exist. Instead, scripture indicates over and over the need to seek after the well-being of others.

Jesus provided this example for us and He desires we pursue the same direction. The result might just develop what Simon Sinek refers to as a “Circle of Safety.”

Our Drive and Purpose

Start With Why, by Simon Sinek, discusses the importance of our WHY in life and leadership. Before we can explore HOW and WHAT in relationship to both, we need to understand WHY.

Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

We recognize HOW leaders can inspire others to take action. When they know WHY, they possess a drive and purpose in life that is unstoppable.

If we truly want to eliminate the impossibility factor, then we need to communicate WHY to those we lead. When that happens, look out!

Vision for the New Year…

Nearing the end of one year and looking forward into the year ahead should encourage us to consider our vision.

Most people, many organizations (including the church), have no vision for the future. But our vision needs to be more than just an idea of what the future holds.

In Simon Sinek’s latest book, Infinite Game, he describes a “just cause” as a specific vision of the future––something that does not yet exist––that is so appealing people are willing to make whatever sacrifice is necessary to reach it.

Take a moment before beginning the new year and consider, how does our just cause factor into the vision we desire for the future?