Tag: Specific

Clear and Specific

Leaders need to stop “beating around the bush.” People want leaders to be clear and specific about direction. When this happens, leaders pay close attention to details, which promotes confidence in followers.

Vagueness breeds vagueness and frustration. When leaders are vague, the general mindset among followers is that leaders do not have a clue where they are going or to get there.

Establishing a system by which leaders communicate with clarity and specificity strengthens the morale of an organization and provides confidence in the direction.

The need is obvious. Now is the time for leaders to develop and implement a plan to be clear and specific.

Leading with Vision and Goals…

Goals should be framed with specifics that can be measured. They should be achievable and relevant. We also need to set a time for achieving them.

For example: “Over the next 6 months I will read the Old Testament,” or “In the next 12 months I want to share the gospel with 24 new people.” These goals meet all the requirements.

Short and long-term goals are key components to developing plans for moving forward.

Leaders need long-term vision, but remember that short-term goals keep people motivated. Celebrating these short-term achievements helps keep everyone focused on the long-term vision.

Goal-Setting Leaders…

Goals are one of the most needed areas of leadership, yet one of the most overlooked and misunderstood.

Our approach to goal-setting is often an exercise in wishful thinking and generalities.

Goals must be specific in nature. What are we seeking to achieve, exactly?
Goals must be measurable. What gets measured gets done.
Goals must be achievable. In other words, they are something we can accomplish.
Goals must be relevant. They must mean something and have value to us.
Goals must be time-bound. Without a time factor, it is just a wish.

As leaders, we need goals on a personal and congregational level, long and short-term. Success comes to those who set SMART goals.