Tag: Spiritual

Future Leaders

The future of leadership hinges on several factors.

Learn from history. Spiritual leaders are students of God’s word and they apply it.

Be students of the present. We need to observe and learn from current leaders and followers.

Desire to serve others. Leadership must be more concerned with serving than being served.

Glorify God. Leadership should be motivated and driven with this purpose.

Develop a plan. Developing a plan is vital for the right direction. These steps provide a foundation.

We do not know the future, but a few steps will help secure the future of spiritual leaders.


Does it surprise anyone when we pray for patience and then experience challenges? The problem is we want patience, but we want it now and without trials! Hmmm!

Too often, we expect growth and maturity to occur as though we were ordering a meal at a drive-thru window. We place our order on one side and expect to have it waiting for us when we reach the other. No patience required, right?

Church growth requires leaders to be patient. Being patient is a powerful lesson for all spiritual leaders.

In time, the demonstration of such patience and gentle guidance will yield fruit to the glory of our God.


The anticipation of an event makes it special.

This idea was expressed by Paul for us as Christians. Several times in his letters to the church, Paul used the phrase, “eagerly anticipating.” Christians eagerly anticipate dwelling in God’s presence eternally.

Our spiritual leadership is built on the foundation of helping others anticipate this same event.

Imagine the moment we first see our God and Savior. Consider the sound of His voice. Think about how incredible it will be when we realize we are there.

I cannot wait! Can you?

Our anticipation is what will make the event so special. It is worth sharing with others.

Developing Others

Spiritual leadership should be based on a thought expressed by Harvey S. Firestone, “It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.”

We must equip and train others to lead. Who will replace you and me? Are we preparing them for the work?

From a worldly perspective, leadership is inward focused. One must be self-centered in order to make one’s own way.

Jesus developed the apostles for a task that was quite different. The success of their work continues today.

The success of our leadership, and the future of the church, rests on developing others.

Know, Go, and Show

Jesus often pointed out how the Pharisees and Sadducees could read the obvious signs in the weather, but were blind to the signs from heaven?

Leadership needs to be about both. We need an eye for the obvious, tune in to the environment and present circumstances around us.

However, we also need a vision for the future. We need to see where we are going and what it will take to get there.

No creative and crafty approach will produce the kind of spiritual leaders God needs today. We need leaders who, as John Maxwell says, “Know the way, go the way, and show the way!”

Success or Failure?

Although the origin is unknown, I’ve heard several versions of this thought, “I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

Many do not lead because they are afraid to fail. If everyone had this attitude, where would we be spiritually? If no one had the courage to lead, what would happen to the church? We know it is impossible to please everyone.


Lead with the Bible as the basis for all decisions.
Make decisions with confidence.
Communicate decisions clearly.
Express why the decisions are made.
Understand not everyone will like or agree with all decisions.


Keeping up with the movement of time gets more and more challenging.

The clock is ticking.

The bottom line is we all have the same amount time moving at the same speed. We were born into the realm of time and it just keeps ticking.

Spiritual leadership, however, should focus attention on the realm with no time, where the clock never ticks.

We cannot comprehend with our finite minds the eternal realm. It is impossible! By faith we know it exists and at some point the realm of time will end.

We must be ready and we need to influence others to be ready also.

Style or Principle?

Thomas Jefferson once said, “In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.”

Spiritual leaders face challenges every day. There are personality conflicts, trivial matters, life changing decisions, and numerous other areas that weigh heavy on the hearts of those who lead.

There are times when leaders must be flexible. However, other times require a determined stance for what is right.

Jefferson provided a good “rule-of-thumb”. In spiritual language perhaps we could say it this way, “In matters of opinion, go along and get along. In matters of truth, stand strong.”

The Missing Link

What do organizations need to receive champion status?

They must be a team. People must work together for a common purpose to win.

They must be dedicated. When the goal is clear, people are committed, and plans are executed properly, victory awaits.

There must be ability. Combining one’s role with their ability encourages everyone involved.

There must be leadership. Teamwork, dedication, and ability are not enough. People need leadership.

Spiritually, we are a team that is dedicated and abounding in ability. We need spiritual leaders to step up and provide the missing link.

Spring Change

As the harshness of winter grips the days ahead, we look forward to changes brought on by spring. Change can be good or bad. Change is necessary to reach our goals, and change is Biblical.

Instability generally results from changes winter ushers in with spring. Tornadoes, hail, lightening, and other unstable weather is common. Change does not come quickly, easily, or without resistance.

The most beautiful part of spring is seeing all of nature regain life. After a dormant winter, spring rains and sunshine bring life. The change is amazing, even through the instability produced.

Our leadership should provide stability and assurance through the changes that produce spiritual life.