Tag: Spiritual

Positional Leadership…

One of the great myths of leadership is the positional myth, i.e. “I cannot lead unless I have a position, or once I have a position then I will be able to lead.”

While we do not have to have a position to lead, this position comes with a responsibility. Spiritual leaders are positioned with a responsibility, a responsibility to help others…

…understand there is hope for the future.
…reach their full potential in spiritual maturity.
…obtain their eternal inheritance.

Several years ago, I heard this equation: ability + opportunity = responsibility. After some thought, doesn’t it sound like a good position?

Ulterior Motives…

The motive behind our words and actions is always critical to the success of leadership.

The idea of an ulterior motive indicates a hidden agenda that goes beyond the obvious or stated. The difficulty that often accompanies an ulterior motive is being able to prove the motive. We tend to make accusations about the motives of others because we assume, based on words and actions, the individual has a hidden agenda.

This may or may not be true. We cannot always know the motive of others, but we do know our own. 

True spiritual leadership will demonstrate a transparency supported by the word of God. Therefore, we should lead others openly, promoting a pure and sincere motive.

Crossroads of Leadership…

Crossroads is a classic written by Robert Johnson and performed by numerous artists.

Several have tried to explain the meaning of this song. The most revealing involves Johnson’s struggle with loneliness, especially connected to the desperation of finding his way home from an unfamiliar place.

Leadership can certainly be a lonely place and it can also take us into unfamiliar places where we desperately seek our way home.

The result brings us to a crossroads, where we question our leadership. We face challenging decisions.

Spiritually, we constantly face crossroads. The decisions we make in those moments determine salvation or condemnation. Our leadership must serve to help others at the crossroads make the right decisions and find their way home.