Tag: Stand

Stand, Speak, Sit Down

Wisdom says, “Stand up to be seen. Speak up to be heard. Sit down to be appreciated.”

The application reaches into many areas, but it certainly has relevance for leaders.

Leaders should be accessible and approachable. Questions need to be answered, visions plotted, and plans developed.

Leaders must be clear. Leaders need to be decisive, but they must also be clear and precise.

Leaders also need to know their limitations. They must know the balance and limits of their time and talent.

Followers value leaders who are visible, understood, and work within the boundaries of their ability.

A Time to Stand

In pursuit of greater numbers truth often gets compromised. Challenge and controversy are avoided to gain popularity and profit.

To overcome the problems of immorality and indecency, we must make a stand.

To help the church mature as God designed, we must make a stand.

To help those without Christ find the hope of salvation, we must make a stand.

The task is not easy. Conflict and controversy will arise. Trying to avoid it, sweep it under the rug, deny it exists, or hope it just goes away and resolves itself, will not work.

The world and the church needs those ready to stand and lead.