Tag: Strategy


How do leaders motivate those who are unmotivated?

Begin by asking a few simple questions.

1) Does the unmotivated know they are supposed to do these actions?

2) Do they know how to perform these actions as expected?

3) When was the last time they were reminded?

4) Are the reasons clear why these actions are important, necessary, and valuable?

5) Are the guidelines clear and the consequences for not doing these actions?

People are motivated in different ways.

We need a strategy that involves teaching others how to get from point A to point B. This is the first step in motivating the unmotivated.

Leading with Character

There is no doubt when it comes to the necessity of character.

We have examined several areas about character in the past and I do not think it can be overstated. Character is the very substance of leadership.

The determination of character is the head of character.
The development of character is the heart of character.
The demonstration of character is the hands of character.

Where there is character, there is leadership! We need strategy, but strategy takes a distant second place to the necessity of character as leaders.

Future of Leadership

What does leadership look like for the church’s future?

We see what waiting for people to develop on their own accomplishes, and the outcome is not favorable.

We must be proactive in developing future leaders through training. The Lord’s church needs solid leaders. We are not only responsible, but also accountable for our approach in developing leaders.

Nothing happens by accident. Leaders do not just wake up one day and say, “I’ll lead.” They must be groomed carefully, strategically, and biblically in order to direct the future of the church.

The time is now. Let us pursue the task with diligence.

Need for Strategy…

Strategy is a plan of action to achieve a desired aim or goal. General Norman Schwarzkopf said, “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.”

While character is the essential to leadership, strategy is also needed. Without strategy, we have no goals, or plans to reach a goal, regardless of the goal(s) set before us.

Few areas in life exist where strategy is not involved at some level.

Leaders must establish a strategy for reaching goals with specific plans, leading with the future in mind. Time will not be wasted in the field of strategic development.