Tag: Strength

The Influence of One

At times, a phrase or thought can evoke a well-house of emotions and strength.

We possess the mental fortitude to influence direction, situations, and the lives of others, but we often do not follow through because we think it will not make a difference. After all, what difference can one person make?

History records the powerful influence one person can have on the world.

We must allow God to use us as that influence in our context. We can be that one!

Imagine the impact when leaders work together in the church to influence the direction of the world.


Few things are more important for life and leadership than respite, a time of rest. Consider…

Respite is not an extended vacation.
Although an extended vacation might be helpful and needed, the idea involves a shorter period to recoup.

Utilize the time to its fullest potential. The intent behind this suggestion means we need to remove or set aside obstacles that might distract our rest: cell-phone, laptop, television, etc.

Focus on a greater source of strength.
A moment in prayer to seek help from God to provide strength would be a powerful start.

Leaders rarely take time to focus on respite, but it will make a difference.

Path of Leadership

The path of leadership development will not be an easy task for anyone, anywhere. The benefits, however, are far more valuable than the consequences of denying or ignoring the present circumstances.

Consider the benefits of the path before us:

Stronger leadership: The unified strength of numerous leaders multiplies the results of what can be accomplished.

Spiritual guidance: The potential of developing leaders provides a spiritual foundation that increases biblical guidance.  

Succession plan: Developing stronger, spiritual leaders only for the present potentially leaves a generation not knowing God.

The path of leadership development must go beyond this generation. When this happens, we walk the right path.

Strong and Courageous

God emphasized strength and courage three times in Joshua chapter one, but only once did He use this specific phrase “strong and very courageous.”

The context of this one phrase has powerful implications in the realm of spiritual leadership. God specifies how Joshua’s success depends on following this advice.

Be careful to do
according to all the law.
Do not turn from it to the right or to the left.
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth.
You shall meditate on it day and night.

What would it be like if spiritual leaders had the strength and courage to do the same today?

Strength in Numbers

When we go at life alone, we are vulnerable. Satan wants us to try and make it on our own because we are vulnerable to his attacks. Learning to avoid the “Elijah Syndrome” is critical to the strength of our success in honoring and glorifying our God.

Consider the strength in leadership when there is counsel from several. The attempts to make decisions and implement plans on our own will most certainly meet with challenges at best and failure at worst.

There is strength in numbers. It is true in every area of life and leadership. The benefits far outweigh the consequences of going at it alone.

Finding Our Strength (Part 2)

Where does the strength we need come from when we find ourselves in difficult times? Consider two possibilities.

1) Find a way to express your feelings and share the burden with someone. One of the most helpful avenues to find strength is through expression, which can take numerous forms: writing, singing, talking, physical activity, and more.

2) Remember God’s goodness and trust He knows our plight. An area that provides strength is memory. The ability to remember is a precious gift. While we often remember the negative side of life, we also remember God’s providential blessings. He will see us through.

Finding Our Strength (Part 1)

When the depths of discouragement engulf us, we seek the strength to endure and make the right decisions.

The answer is not always about knowing what scripture says, because simply knowing scripture does not help when the heart is in a dark place.

Likewise, it is not always about surrounding ourselves with friends because friends provide little comfort when our desire is to be alone.

Where does the strength come from when we face difficult times? How can we pull everything together to move forward?

Please read tomorrow’s post as I will discuss two possibilities.

Inner Strength

Jim Kwik once said, ”If an egg is broken by outside force, Life ends. If broken by inside force, Life begins. Great things always begin from inside.”

Who are we at the core? When an inside force breaks through we find a strength able to withstand the dangers that threaten from outside forces.

Without a doubt, outside forces will come. Sadly, they are not always from expected forces. There are times when those closest to us present the greatest threats. This is where leaders must display the depth of their inner strength.

This kind of force is found in three words: Trust, Conviction, Desire.

Strength Of Character

Conflict is inevitable. We assume that when our character is strong, conflict will not break us, even when it piles up. When we achieve the desired result, we are encouraged.

However, as Robert Tew said, “Strength of character isn’t always about how much you can handle before you break, it’s also about how much you can handle after you’ve broken.”

Once we are broken, how much can we handle? Do we find ourselves shutting down, withdrawing, becoming reclusive, and avoiding contact with others?

A great deal of admiration goes to leaders whose strength of character shines before they break and after they are broken.


Spiritual leaders understand the need to rely upon God. They are reliant upon His guidance, direction, strength, and provisions.

Spiritual leaders are also aware of the fact that followers are also reliant upon them for the same.

Guidance provides advice and instruction in how to live.
Direction shows the way, primarily the way to heaven.
Strength is needed to keep moving toward the right goal.
Provisions are given to continue, even when all else fails.

These four areas are all directly related to our reliance upon God and leading His people. May our role never be taken lightly.