Tag: Summary

A Complete Summary

“The conclusion, when all has been heard: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.”

This is true for any generation, culture, and country.

What is the conclusion of the matter when it comes to our leadership?

Can we summarize the our purpose as leaders in terms that apply to everyone?

Do we point people to the One with answers for life?

What answer will we give concerning our leadership when called into account?

When we stand before the throne of Christ, let us make sure the conclusion of the matter is clear regarding our leadership.


If we were to summarize our leadership in a few words, what would we say? We need to take a few minutes and give some thought to the whole of our leadership.

Could we express it in a word or two, or maybe a sentence or two? Could we summarize our leadership at all?

Would it be “others-centered” or “self-centered?” Spiritually or physically based?

Would the summary be focused on the past, present, or future?

In reality, the fewer words we use the more challenging it can be to summarize our leadership, especially if we try to be accurate.