Tag: Thomas Jefferson

Style or Principle?

Thomas Jefferson once said, “In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.”

Spiritual leaders face challenges every day. There are personality conflicts, trivial matters, life changing decisions, and numerous other areas that weigh heavy on the hearts of those who lead.

There are times when leaders must be flexible. However, other times require a determined stance for what is right.

Jefferson provided a good “rule-of-thumb”. In spiritual language perhaps we could say it this way, “In matters of opinion, go along and get along. In matters of truth, stand strong.”

Act or React

Why is it so easy to react before thinking how to act appropriately?

Sadly, most reactions are based on a lack of adequate details, false information, and misguided perspective. We allow our emotions to eliminate reason and good judgment.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.”

In these moments, our minds possess a greater ability to think clearly and make decisions that affect how we act.

We prevent heated arguments, snap decisions, incorrect accusations, wrong conclusions, and the regret of saying or doing something we cannot retract.

What Identifies Your Leadership?

How do we determine our identity?

There is a difference between the way we judge ourselves and the way others judge us. We judge ourselves by our intentions, but others judge us by our actions.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Action will delineate and define you.”

Our identity is not so much based on our actions, but the actions of someone else. The actions of Jesus delineate and define us. Because of His actions we learn who we are and what we do.

Thankfully, God’s wisdom preordained an avenue by which we find our identity as His children.