Tag: Transparency

Knowing the Shepherds

While shepherds need to know the sheep, it is also vital for the sheep to know their shepherds.

For this to take place, it requires shepherds to be in the homes of those they lead and have the sheep in their own home. In fact, having the sheep in the shepherd’s home should be first.

Shepherds need to promote greater transparency and intimacy. When this happens, they will soon be seen as approachable, and deeper discussions allow members to open up and share the challenges, struggles, temptations, difficulties, and the joys experienced in their lives.

At this point, true shepherding occurs and relationships blossom as greater connections are made.


Being connected with people is vital to good leadership. Several elements will help establish that connection.

1) Be transparent.
2) Provide hope.
3) Consistency is essential.
4) Relate to people individually.
5) Find ways to genuinely compliment others.

Leaders who connect lead with passion and integrity. They know and are known by others. Love for others drives a leader’s heart. Reaching the goal motivates a leader’s actions. Staying connected keeps a leader balanced.


Terry Starbucker’s e-book Leadership From A Glass Half-Full: The 5 Lessons You Need To Learn Before You Jump Into The Pool talks about the seven most important words in leadership.

The phrase is simply, “I don’t know and I’ll find out.”

The reality is we do not like not knowing the answer.

Worse still is the attempt to bluff our way through areas we know nothing about.

The transparency of acknowledging we do not know something and the willingness to find the answer is critical to great leadership.

We gain greater credibility and trust is established when we are are honest.

Learn and live by these seven words.

Connected Leaders

Traveling often means looking for some way to connect to the internet. The internet is the tool through which we connect to others. Without it something is missing.

Try a Google search about leaders being connected. Within seconds you will discover millions of articles on the subject. I cannot exhaust them all in a few lines.

Leaders must be connected to those who are following, but how? Here are 5 suggestions.

1) Get involved in their lives.
2) Be more transparent.
3) Give others something to believe in.
4) Relate individually.
5) Give genuine compliments.


Transparency is a vital component to making things happen. A Forbes article identifies what happens when leaders are transparent.

  1. Problems are solved faster.
  2. Teams are built easier.
  3. Relationships grow authentically.
  4. People begin to promote trust in their leader.
  5. Higher levels of performance emerge.

Based on these five areas, transparency enables followers to understand and assist leadership in ways that move an organization forward to greater achievements.

How can leaders become more transparent in their leadership? Start with communication.

The time invested to produce a system of solid communication raises transparency and its benefits.