Tag: Winston Churchill


Confidence in one’s ability diminishes when leaders experience failure, suffer discouragement, or they are harshly criticized by others.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal” is the powerful thought expressed by Winston Churchill. Recognizing that the only time failure exists is when we give up helps us redirect our thinking when success is beyond our reach.

Suffering discouragement generally follows moments of failure. We begin to overcome discouragement by evaluating the cause and seeking help to address it.

Criticism, even when harshly given, provides growth benefits if we are able to see them in this way. Instead of “reacting,” we need to “act” appropriately as a spiritual leader.


“Leadership is influence. No more, no less,” John Maxwell.

Think about the good and bad influences in history: Napoleon, Hitler, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Martin Luther King Jr. etc.

A search throughout the Bible points to numerous examples of powerful influence, but none greater than Jesus.

On a personal level, we know the influence of others in our life: parents, siblings, a preacher, elders, deacons, teachers, friends, a mentor, and the list goes on.

Influence represents the power to change others. A study of influence points us in the need for and the direction of positive change.

Benefits of Failure

What or who determines failure? Why is failure seen as negative? How can leaders learn and improve their leadership?

Recognize failure is inevitable. No matter who you are failure takes place.

Acknowledge and take responsibility. Do not ignore, deny, or cast blame when failure occurs.

Remember the words of Winston Churchill, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Do not hesitate to act. Waiting to act creates a perception of apathy.

Learn from failure and make changes to prevent the same mistakes.

Work to build a series of successful events or programs to reassure the strength of the leadership.

Learning From Failure

Is it possible for failure to provide benefit or value when developing leaders?

Winston Churchill is credited with saying “success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

No one wants to fail, yet it is necessary to help grow our leadership in ways that benefit the good of God’s kingdom.

While no one desires failure, or looks for it in order to benefit, knowing that failure can and will occur helps prepare us with an expectation that when it happens we can approach it from a posture of learning its value.

Leading with Tenacity…Part 1

When leaders face difficulties, which often plague our journey through life, what can be done to strengthen resolve and motivate perseverance?

The most obvious answer is a tenacious spirit that never gives up. No matter how difficult the challenge, quitting must never be an option.

Seek appropriate help.
Work harder than before.
Remember, you are not alone.

Life presents many twists and turns, some pleasant and others not so pleasant. Regardless of how difficult our journey becomes, the words credited to Winston Churchill still hold true today, “Never, never, never give up.”