Tag: Zig Ziglar

Choices, Chances, Changes

What kind of change is needed for our leadership to thrive?

Zig Ziglar refers to the 3 C’s of life: “Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.”

Leadership factors into every area of life. How will we use our influence to help others?

Leading others to reach their potential ceases to exist when protecting ourselves is all that matters.

However, we can choose to take a chance. When this paradigm shift occurs, the focus is on a values-based leadership that invests in what is best for others, developing them to reach their potential.


Let me share a statement that grabbed my attention: “Remember that failure is an event, not a person.” Zig Ziglar

How many times have you thought or heard someone refer to themselves as a failure. Because they did not succeed at a specific task, they did not see the event as a failure, but themselves.

Sadly, we tend to carry this mentality over to the way we view other people. When others do not live up to “our” expectations or desires, we see them as a failure.

Quality leaders learn from the events (failures) in life and build their own character, or the character of someone else, to ultimately succeed.

Leadership Regret

At times, we all regret our participation in something we’ve said or done.

However, the bigger picture is not painted by the few moments we experience regret, but rather the whole of life.

Zig Ziglar once asked, “Will you look back on life and say, ‘I wish I had,’ or ‘I’m glad I did’”?

The bigger picture of leadership influence is shaped by how we answer this question. Looking back, our leadership should never be identified by what we wish we had done or said. Rather, our joy and hope of a better tomorrow rests in the fact we were glad we did it.

Fighting Fear

Zig Ziglar once said, “F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.”

How do we channel fear in ways that harness its power to move us to rise instead of run?

1. Recognize what we fear. Are we afraid of failure or success, rejection or acceptance?
2. Have the right expectations. Expectations can create a fear of falling short or being overwhelmed.
3. Seek healthy communication. Talk with someone who can help guide us in overcoming it.
4. Remember God is our ally. Knowing who God is and that He fights for us, minimizes fear.

Don’t Change the Decision

There is no doubt we all face obstacles in this journey through life. The difference is made in how we choose to deal with those obstacles.

I appreciate Zig Ziglar’s thought, “When obstacles arise you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there.”

At times, obstacles arise and create situations that cause us to feel as though we have no choice but to quit, and many do.

The greatest challenge, however, is realizing that the direction can be changed and still reach the goal without changing the decision to get there.

Leadership and Failure…

How many times have people referred to themselves as a failure? When they do not succeed at a specific task or achieve something else desired they tend to see themselves as a failure. 

Zig Ziglar reminds us that “failure is an event, not a person.”

Sadly, we can view other people the same way. When they do not live up to our expectations or desires, we see them as a failure.

Leaders take note of the opportunity to learn from their failures in life and build their own character and the character of someone else to ultimately succeed.