Foreign Affairs…

When it comes to politics, well, I am out. I do not care for playing the political games. As well, I do not like reading about all of the politics of our world and culture.

However, my work involves international travel. I have crossed many borders, sometimes multiple times. I am constantly amazed at the “foreign affairs” with each crossing.

It is not uncommon for the time frame for crossing the border of some countries to be determined by the mood of the patrol guard. If they are having a good day, they might let everyone through quickly. If they are not, the waiting time can be lengthy.

The attitude of those waiting in line is altered quickly. Anger, frustration, impatience, and the list goes on to the various reactions demonstrated.

Where is this heading? Within leadership there are going to be people who cross our paths. Their moods are going to vary depending on the type of day they are having. We can allow their mood to alter ours or we can deal with them in ways to change their attitude. Here is where true leadership policies are developed.

2 comments on “Foreign Affairs…

  1. Donnie Bates says:

    So true, Bob. Year ago, in his “Heart of the Fighter” series, Landon Saunders said we can choose to be “thermometers” or “thermostats.” Thermometers reflect the heat of the room (or situation), while thermostats control it. Safe trip!!

  2. Glenda Martin says:

    So True!! I have been trying to find the right word to explain this to my 13yr old grandaughter who is have this kind of issue with her English teacher. Now I will just let her read this and I’m sure it will help her also! Thank you for your time in writing this blog. My family gets a lot out of it!

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