Learning From Children…

Over the past few days my wife and I have enjoyed being around our granddaughter. There are many lessons I have learned from watching her with application to leadership.

One, she is an explorer. Wherever we are she begins an adventure. She wants to look behind every door and see what is on the other side.

Second, she never meets a stranger. She finds her way around to greet everyone with a smile. If you are paying attention, you might even get a hug. She loves everyone who will look and the influence is noticeable.

Third, she knows how to lead. I love the way she walks up and takes me by the hand to lead me where she wants me to go.

I believe you get the picture. As leaders, we need to be adventurers, looking behind every door, exploring all possibilities. We should always greet others, no matter who they are, and learn how to influence them by our love. Perhaps above all, we need to learn the gentle nature of leading others by the hand. It is much easier than getting behind and pushing.

1 comment on “Learning From Children…

  1. Ken Burton says:

    I have a grandson who is also good at leading by the hand! Great observations and applications to leadership, as usual, Bob. God bless you and Sheryl as you travel!
    Love you both!

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