Walking A New Path…

Perhaps we have heard of “walking to the beat of a different drummer.” Maybe we have heard of going on a “walk-a-bout.”

Strangely, there is something to the idea of “walking a new path” connecting both.

The Bible refers to Christians as being raised to “walk in newness of life.” The context of Romans 6 identifies the thought of removing or putting away the old life of sin and exchanging it for a new life.

Spiritual leadership takes the concept of walking this new path to a new level.

First, Christianity is to be different from the world. Our walk is a path that beats to a different drummer. Why? We are leading people away from the world into the kingdom of light. This is not normal for the majority in the world.

Second, Christianity exemplifies a transition from the old to the new, similar to the Aussie walk-a-bout. Australian Aborigines take a journey during adolescence tracing steps leading into adulthood. Spiritual leadership is about leading Christians to maturity.

This new path in spiritual leadership can change the world if we understand and take the responsibility seriously. Thankfully, we do not walk the path alone.

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