Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The real leader has no need to lead – he is content to point the way.” Henry Miller

Often, the idea of leadership carries the idea of fulfilling the task of leading. Please do not misunderstand, there is great responsibility and work that goes into leadership.

Today, however, think about our purpose in leading.

Are we leading to gain an advantage or benefit for ourselves?

Is our leadership filled with the burden of seeing the workload instead of the goal?

When challenges arise, do we learn from them and improve in our leadership, or find ways to excuse the problem and blame someone else?

The real purpose of our leadership is about pointing the way. As spiritual leaders, we must recognize our part in a bigger plan to reach a goal where Jesus awaits.

Pointing others to Him benefits those who follow our leadership. There is no burden to great when pointing others to our Savior, and any challenge we face is a stepping stone in God’s perfecting work in our service.

Real leaders have no need to lead, just keep pointing the way.

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