Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.” Harvey S. Firestone

Spiritual leadership should be based on the great point made in this statement.

John Maxwell says, “to add growth, lead followers. To multiply, lead leaders.”

This approach involves developing others. We must equip and train others to lead. Who will replace you and me? Are we working to prepare them for the work?

Leadership, from a worldly point of view, is inward focused. This mindset begins to think the work cannot be done without “me.”

One must be self-centered in order to make one’s own way. Robert Kennedy said; “people say I am ruthless. I am not ruthless. And if I find the man who is calling me ruthless, I shall destroy him.”

Jesus demonstrated a different application. The apostles were developed for a task they were commissioned to do. The success of their work continues today and will throughout eternity.

The apostle Paul addressed this mindset in writing to the church at Philippi.

The success of our leadership, and the future of the church, rests on developing others.

1 comment on “Leadership Thought Of The Day…

  1. Rick says:

    Well done!

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