Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

I loved this quote the first time I read it. It speaks to the character of spiritual leadership.

Too many today have sold out to the highest bidder. Too many allow the pursuit of greater numbers to alter their position on truth. Too many seek popularity and profit rather than address challenge and controversy.

If we are to overcome the problems of immorality and indecency, we must make a stand.

If we are to help the church grow and mature as God designed, we must make a stand.

If we are to help those who are lost find the true hope of salvation, we must make a stand.

It is not an easy task. Conflict and controversy will arise. Trying to avoid it, sweep it under the rug, deny it exists, or hope it just goes away and resolves itself, will not work.

The world and the church need men ready to lead. Will you answer the call today?

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