Leadership Word Of The Week…Motivation

It is not uncommon to hear someone express having “burnout.” The idea of burnout and its implications are extremely subjective.

However, it raises several questions regarding motivation.

What motivates us to lead? There will always be times when we are discouraged and perhaps discontent. When we face those times, we need a “fire-lighter” to our leadership. We need that someone or something to motivate us.

How can we keep others motivated to follow? Presenting possibilities within goal setting excites people to get involved, but it can create nearsightedness. Morale is high the first month. When we look at goals 20 years away, discouragement tends to set in. We want to see something more tangible now.

What short term goals motivate us to stay focused on the big picture? Accomplishing short term goals builds motivation in reaching forward to greater success and achievement in the long term.

Leaders need to develop plans to keep the fires lit. We must know how to keep ourselves and others motivated, both now and for the future.

A few small accomplishments along the way motivate all of us to achieve long term development.

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