Transformational Leadership…

Styles of leadership exist by the handfuls. A Google search reveals thousands of articles written on various styles of leadership.

My thoughts were quickly drawn to the idea of transformational leadership. The idea is self-explanatory, leadership that transforms the people around them, shaping the direction of the future.

However, what really had my attention was the method demonstrated in this style of leadership.

Transformational leadership characterizes leaders who have integrity and exemplify consistency in their example. This style of leadership encourages, supports, and helps followers look beyond their own self-interests and focus on the good of the team. They notably inspire others.

The article went on to say; “in short, transformational leaders are exceptionally motivating, and they are trusted.” The result accomplishes great things.

Of all leadership styles, this one connects true to the heart of spiritual leadership.

What style of leadership characterizes you and me? Are we transforming others to live closer to God?

Are we striving to transform the lives of others by the character we demonstrate in leading them to heaven?

1 comment on “Transformational Leadership…

  1. Brad Toy says:

    Very good “entry”.

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