Leadership Word Of The Week…Goingson

At times a “made up” word can be just as powerful as an “identifiable” word. A friend and fellow worker in the kingdom, Garry Hill, crafted this new word. What does this have to do with leadership?

Garry uses the word referring to what is going on in and around the mission work.

I thought Garry’s usage was humorous, but it also caused me to think about leadership. Garry serves in leadership at the Chimala Bible Institute and he needs to know what is going on in the work.

He needs to know what is going on with the staff and students who are part of the school. He also needs to know what is going on in the development of the church as a result of the Bible Institute’s outreach.

As spiritual leaders, we also need to know what is going on with those we influence everyday. We need to know what is going on in the church and the world around us. When we know what is going on, we can provide what is needed. Goingson? Try it and see how leadership grows.

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