Hold On…There’s More!

We have all heard the infamous commercials attempting to sell some gadget or product that will make our lives easier and better. There always seems to be some common threads, the cost ($19.95 or a multiplied factor of it) and there is always the shipping and handling.

However, there is a third commonality. All offer a product and then say, “Hold on, there’s more.” At this point the offer is usually doubled or tripled. Of course, you only have to pay the additional shipping and handling.

When we examine the importance of leadership, there is always more to consider.

Leadership is more than power.
Leadership is more than position.
Leadership is more than a title.
Leadership is more than influence.

There will always be more regarding spiritual leadership. The nature of the task before us includes a message for all nations and one of guiding Christians to maturity.

If we approach the task with humility and love, we can realize growth in the church and bring glory to our God.

Hold on…there’s more!

If we act now, more souls will enjoy the beauty of heaven. Think Souls!

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