Power In Renewal…

Recently, the Bear Valley Bible Institute conducted its annual staff retreat. The purpose of the retreat was to focus on the work being done at the Bible Institute and around the world. The result was a renewal for everyone who attended.

The power in renewal is amazing as progress is shared, problems are discussed and plans are made for the future.

The time shared together is one that brings us all closer together as brothers and sisters, as well as, fellow workers participating in the greatest work on earth.

There is also a great take away lesson for leaders.

The day to day grind of work, shuffling one stack of papers to the next, struggling with solutions to problems, and an incredible work schedule tends to deplete leaders.

If leaders are going to maintain the qualities needed to remain emotionally strong there needs to be time to renew.

Spiritually, we must be renewed daily on the strength found in God’s word and through prayer. Such renewal helps us keep focused, accountable, and strong in providing help to others. Think Souls!

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