The Leader Within…

The activity of leading is often determined by or connected with what a leader does.

While the word “activity” identifies some nature of doing, the basis for doing must be connected to being, the leader within.

As leaders examine the nature of their leadership, the place where the examination should begin is with the person of the heart. Who are we as leaders on the inside?

Learning to understand who we are at the core determines what we do externally as leaders. How do we determine the leader on the inside?

1) Evaluate core values: integrity, honesty, work ethic, etc. Are we aware of what is most important to our leadership? Character or money? Character or popularity?

2) Consider the motives behind the current direction. What is the reason we are involved in this work? Is it the good of others or self advancement?

3) Make decisions based on Biblical principles. Have we considered what God established before we make our decisions?

Taking a moment to consider three approaches to examining our heart will help us determine and develop our leadership from the inside out.

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