The Future Of…

The general thought behind the use of this phrase is the future of leadership. While this is an area that certainly needs consideration, it is not the aim of this post.

The purpose is to consider the answer to one question that is interrelated to several thoughts.

How will we lead when we consider the future of…

Our children? The choices they make, places they frequent, friends they associate with, and work ethic they develop depends on our leadership.

Our church? The confidence of the church, their hope for a better tomorrow, and their assurance of an eternal destiny is based on our leadership.

Our neighbors? Who they seek during trials, where they turn with spiritual questions, and how they see Jesus is determined by our leadership.

Our friends? The development of their spiritual focus, thoughts on relationships, and how to deal with giving into temptation is patterned after our leadership.

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles, their understanding of character, and approach to life is shaped by our leadership.

When we consider their future, it is worth giving thought to how we will lead.

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