Leadership Word Of The Week…Goals

Goals are one of the most needed areas of leadership, yet one of the most overlooked and misunderstood.

Our approach to goals and goal setting if often an exercise in wishful thinking and generalities.

We consider goals much like our New Year’s Resolutions (for whatever they are worth).

The point I am trying to make is to consider that our goals need to be specific in nature. What are we seeking to achieve, exactly?

Goals should be measurable. How can we evaluate the progress in reaching our goals if they are not measurable?

Goals should be action oriented. In other words, goals involve us doing something.

Goals must be realistic. Remember there is a fine line between what we can do on our own and what we need God to help us achieve.

Goals should also be time-bound. If there is not a time factor involved in reaching the goal, it is just a wish.

As leaders, we need goals on a personal and congregational level; long term and short term. Success comes to those who set smart goals.

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