Renew A Steadfast Spirit…

Various phrases within the Psalms provide depth in their meaning at different points in the life of leaders.

Knowing the background to these phrases also adds to the strength gained from the message contained within them.

As David seeks God’s forgiveness for his sin and transgression, he also pleads with God to create within him a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit.

Leaders meet with numerous challenges ranging from personal sin to the opposition of others. As well, there will be periods of isolation and transition where leaders begin questioning their leadership, even their ability to lead.

During these times, where and how do leaders receive this renewal?

1) Going to the source of renewal is a good place to start. Plead with God for a renewed spirit.

2) Spend time listening to what God says. The more time spent in God’s word the stronger the renewal.

3) Reflect on past leadership. Remember what has been done by God through our leadership.

4) Seek counsel with others who have experienced the same trials.

May God always be present to renew a steadfast spirit in the times when it is needed most.

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