“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” Anthony Robbins
A number of questions come to mind regarding the thought for today: What can we do? What can we do? What can we do? What can we do? Do we limit the power of God because we think too small? What do we really believe about ourselves?
The thought relates to a billboard sign from a few years back: What would we do if we knew we could not fail?
Before answering, think about the implications, because with God we cannot fail. An old Chinese proverb claims “limitations are only boundaries we place in our own minds.”
With God, all things are possible. The difficulty leaders must deal with involves knowing what they believe about themselves and recognizing that, with God, we can do all things.
We must not only believe it, but live as though we believe it and infectiously influence the lives of others to believe it also.
This is leadership!