How many children spend the last few days before Christmas counting the minutes until this special day arrives? Regardless of the reason, children eagerly anticipate the moment they gaze upon the presents specifically situated under a brilliantly decorated tree.
While the season is often characterized as an exploitation of commercialization, children tend to see through a completely different set of eyes.
Something special exists in the mind of a child that raises the level of anticipation for this specific day each year.
Leaders need to cast a vision of the future that draws the same eagerness and anticipation for what is to come for those who follow.
God provided Israel with a vision of a land flowing with milk and honey. The anticipation of Israel looking forward to the moment they entered this promised land can only be imagined.
He has provided us with a vision of something far greater. As we envision the moment we cross the threshold into this glorious place, how much anticipation exists?
We need to eagerly look forward to that day. Let the countdown begin!