Day in and day out, we rush about our busy lives trying to take care of business. Sadly, most of us are working to take care of “business” that provides the financial means to pay the bills.
Please do not misunderstand, providing for our families and the means to keep in good standing in our communities is necessary for the influence of our leadership as Christians.
Thinking about the early life of Jesus, however, raises an interesting thought about “taking care of business.” At the age of 12, Jesus was aware of the setting in the temple, and when his mother approached him about the situation, He asked her this question: “Did you not know that I had to be about My Father’s business” (Lk. 2:49 KJV).
Considering the focus of Jesus at this point in His life is a reminder to all of us about the “business” we need to be focused on…our Father’s business.
When we lead others with this in mind, it changes relationships. Let us always lead others with the Father’s business in mind.