Every leader needs ambition: a strong desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.
When Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, he emphasized the necessity of making it our ambition to be pleasing to the Lord (2 Co. 5:9).
Imagine the power of leadership when strong desire, determination, and hard work are exerted toward pleasing the Lord.
Ambition based on this purpose will guide every area of life and leadership.
Our role in the marriage relationship or parenting changes when our ambition is to please the Lord.
The integrity of our character and work ethic on the job are viewed differently when our ambition is to please the Lord.
The influence of our conduct toward neighbors and friends has impact when our ambition is to please the Lord.
The nature of our service within the Lord’s church shows the world we are His disciples, when our ambition is to please the Lord.
What value would be placed on our leadership if the whole of our life and leadership were based on ambition such as this?
I like making ambition out to be a good concept. Thanks!