With only four weeks left in 2014, what are we planning for 2015? Today’s post is a precursor to think about how we plan to finish this year.
The emphasis is often strong on developing a plan for beginning the new year and we forget to finish strong.
Do we remember our resolutions from last January? Have we accomplished what we set out to do? What do we have left to achieve those plans?
An old runner’s motto stresses the need to “finish like a runner.” No matter how long the race, how slow the pace, or the challenges we face, when reaching the end, finish strong.
This is not the time to let our guard down or coast to the finish line. This is not the time to think we will start over in the new year. It is not how we start that makes the difference, it is how we finish.
With this in mind, we are working toward the end of another year God has blessed us with living. Let us sharpen our focus and strengthen our resolve to finish this year stronger than we began.