Nehemiah is one of the great leaders in the Old Testament. Several qualities rise to the surface about Nehemiah and his ability to lead. He was a man of prayer, passionate for God and his people, courageous in the face of opposition, and the list goes on.
One area that surfaces concerning Nehemiah’s character is found in being discouraged, but not distracted. From needing to rebuild the wall, threats from external enemies and ridicule, to plots of ambush, it would be easy to get discouraged. Nehemiah, however, was not distracted. The task before him was great, his faith was strong, and he would allow nothing to keep him from finishing the course.
Leadership brings many challenges, some greater than others. In times when it is overwhelming, it is easy to get discouraged.
Satan wants spiritual leaders to be discouraged. He knows if he can create enough discouragement, the chances are greater of quitting. This is his goal.
We need to be determined, strong in faith, prayerful, passionate about our God and His people, courageous, and unfailing to finish the course.
Do not give the devil opportunity!