The idea behind the title of today’s post is biblical. Solomon wrote “two are better than one…and a cord of three is not quickly torn apart” (Ec. 4:9-12).
While the benefits of having two or three are listed by Solomon, the significant underlying thought is the strength that comes when we are not alone.
When we go at life alone, we are vulnerable. As Christians, Satan wants us to try and make it on our own because we are vulnerable to his attacks. Learning to avoid the “Elijah Syndrome” is critical to the strength of our success in honoring and glorifying our God.
Consider the strength in leadership when there is counsel from several. The attempts to make decisions and implement plans on our own will most certainly meet with challenges at best and failure at worst.
Solomon’s words hold true in the twenty-first century, just as they did when they were penned. There is strength in numbers. It is true in every facet of life and in the leadership arena, the benefits far outweigh the consequences of going at it alone.