The Power of One…

At times, a phrase evokes a well-house of emotions and strength. We possess the mental fortitude to influence the direction situations and the lives of others, but we often do not follow through because we think it will not make a difference. After all, what difference can one person make?

History records the powerful impact of one person. Vince Lombardi, Winston Churchill, Rosa Parks, and many more influenced the direction of teams, nations, and cultural mindsets.

The challenge surfaces when we consider the need for confidence, the type of confidence that believes we are the one who can and will make the difference.

A higher degree of education, social status, political appointment, or corporate position are not needed to influence situations that alter the course or direction.

Above all, we must allow God to use us as that influence. We can be that one!

Imagine the impact that could be made when leaders work together in the church to influence the direction of the world. Jesus took twelve men and turned the world upside down. Is it possible the same could be said of leaders today?

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