Leadership God’s way involves areas such as qualities, traits, virtues, and principles that are instrumental in guiding the character formation of each individual.
Over the next few days, we will examine a few of these areas as they define leadership God’s way.
The foundation for this type of leader is to know God and His will.
Scripture is filled with passages emphasizing the need to know God and His will, beginning in the Old Testament. God’s message through Hosea indicted His people who were destroyed for lack of knowledge.
In the New Testament Jesus said eternal life aligns with knowing God and the One who was sent by Him.
Paul also spoke of the significance of knowing God and His will by claiming his willingness to count everything as loss for the “surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:8).
Heritage, material possessions, academic achievement, and religious position were all worthless in view of this knowledge.
Leadership God’s way is driven by a passion to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, because that knowledge is the key to the whole of life now and eternally.