The movie industry is interesting. Take it or leave it, some in the world cannot imagine what it would be like without movies. Personally, it would be interesting to see the world without the movie industry, but this is a post for another time.
A prequel refers to the stories or events preceding an existing work. The idea is fascinating and raises several thoughts connected to leadership.
However, the sequel involves what shows up as part two of an earlier “box office sensation.” The sequel is about what happens next.
Prior to assuming responsibilities in our present work, what events were connected to the story in our lives? The foundational nature of these events has been instrumental in forming who we are today.
The question we may need to consider further is: what are we expecting to happen next? Have we determined the appropriate sequel to where we are now?
Wisdom is built upon remembering the past to understand the present, but vision is cast to prepare for the sequel in our leadership. What do we see?