Category: Daily Leadership

Committed Leaders

Occasionally, life will knock us down. We may get knocked down a few more times than we think is our share.

However, are we committed enough to keep getting up no matter how many times we get knocked down?

David McNally claims, “Commitment is the enemy of resistance, for it is the serious promise to press on, to get up, no matter how many times you are knocked down.”

When we are committed we are motivated.
When we are committed we have dedication.
When we are committed we keep our focus.
When we are committed we will stop at nothing.

Until Death

It is significant to notice the reward stated by Jesus given to those who hold true to their dedication and commitment.

In several areas of life, even leadership, when difficulties arise, change, distractions, interruptions, or a failure to measure up to our expectations, our culture looks for the bail out.

Consider the difference that could be made if we all honored our commitments.

Can we imagine the lives we could change by having hearts with such dedication?

There is much to be said for men and women who build on a foundation defined by these two words…until death!

Keep Others Informed

When leaders do not keep others informed, the following happens:

People grow suspicious.
Distrust blossoms.
Doubt develops in leadership ability.
Stress fuels worry.
Anxiety leads to fear.

The lack of communication is not always intentional. Sometimes, we grow into a structured life. We develop a routine and life becomes monotonous. In the end, our communication is often affected.

Is it possible to prevent these concerns from developing and growing? Yes!

Following these three simple words…Keep others informed.

What kind of information needs to be provided? Inform others about…

Plans for the future.
Changes that need to be made.
Challenges / or hindrances facing the plans.
Any and all needs.

Courageous Leaders

How will our influence be remembered in the church and community where we live and serve?

Will we be remembered because of the change we made for the better?

Will our leadership have an impact for the eternal good of others?

Harry Truman once said, ”Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

If it seems as though the world stands still around us, then maybe it is time we stood up to lead. Seize the opportunity to change things for the better.

A Sense of Urgency

John Kotter’s book, Leading Change, describes eight steps to ultimately anchor change within organizational culture.

The first step is to “establish a sense of urgency.” Without it, the possibility of change diminishes.

Often times, awareness of a problem or crises does not go unnoticed, but an overwhelming problem of complacency prevents action producing correction.

The church faces a leadership crisis. We find that some deny the reality of the situation, while others tend to ignore it altogether.

Who will lead from the next generation? What plans are in place to train future leaders for the church?

Unless we realize the urgency of the situation, nothing changes and the result will leave the church without leaders.

Hold the Helm

Consider a statement made by Publilius Syrus, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” Perhaps we could say, “It is not difficult to have faith when life is going well.”

The challenge to faith (holding the helm) involves trusting that God is in control and engaged in life, that He looks out for your best interest even when life is not going well.

Spiritual leaders will face numerous storms, disbelief in the vision and goals often exists, jealousy that creates doubt in your motives, and gossip, slander, and malice spread discrediting you.

Hold the helm! Remain strong in the faith! Keep your eyes focused on Jesus! Continue to lead!


The power of uniformity is based on the development of consistency, invariability, stability, and the regularity that characterizes leadership.

These four words are the defining qualities of uniformity.

Consistency must be lived according to the message believed and proclaimed.

No matter what the cost, invariably, leaders must show up.

Followers need leaders with stability, which provides them with security.

Regularity is fixed and unchanging, without varying.

Uniformity is critical in leading as God desires. While there may be challenges to the development and fulfillment of these qualities, when we practice them, our leadership grows stronger and lasts longer.

Working Together

“It takes a village to raise a child.” Whether we agree or disagree, one thought is clear, each part is connected and contributes value to the development of the whole. This includes leadership.

Followers need leaders and leaders need followers. Each relies on the other to fill specific gaps that develop stronger relationships.

God designed the church this way. Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 claim the church consists of numerous individuals possessing a variety of gifts. One gift is not greater than another, one person is not more valuable than another, and the proper function of the whole requires each to exercise their ability accordingly.


In times of discouragement, “just keep putting one foot in front of the other” is sound counsel. This emphasizes the forward progress needed to succeed. Regardless of the goal, if forward progress is made, eventually we will reach our goal.

Martin Luther King Jr. added intensity when he said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

The tenacity and determination needed to continue this forward progress as leaders is obviously easier said than done.

Resistance may come, but when vision provides direction, let nothing keep you from success.


Children ask many questions, specifically “Why?”. Children want to know the reasons behind what we say and do.

This question is also applicable when thinking about leadership.

Why are leaders needed?
Why do we need to make this decision?
Why are we making this decision at this time?
Why should “I” lead?

Take a moment to look through the gospel accounts and consider how to answer the questions Jesus asks, starting here.

Why are you worried?
Why are you afraid?
Why are you testing Me?
Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I say?

Think about it!