Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot — it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.” Maya Angelou

We have considered the power of positive and negative influences or experiences in the past. The intent is not to reiterate the ideas that were expressed at that time.

This thought stands out because it is inclusive of everything that influences us. It is not uncommon to hear someone say that watching inappropriate movies, listening to vulgar or offensive jokes, and participating in certain activities do not influence them.

The contrary is true. The more we are exposed to areas we should not be around, the more we find ourselves drifting from the solid foundation upon which our experiences in life should be built.

This is not to say we should develop a monastery and separate ourselves from ever having contact with the world, but it does mean we need to give consideration to those experiences and strive to have the kind of experiences that drive us to greater godliness.

Who Is Influencing Who?

The question posed is challenging because the perception we want to have is that, as Christians, we are influencing the world, but are we?

Jesus was clear in His description of disciples as the salt of the earth and light of the world. These two terms are significant because they influence the realm in which they are applied. We also know that the analogy, when applied to Christianity, is the same. We are to be an influence in the world.

Christian influence is determined by words, attitudes, conduct / behavior, and activities. We need to consider who exactly we are influencing?

The mindset that often pervades our approach is that we need to participate as close to the line of worldliness as possible in order to have this influence.

Christians have been known to select a non-Christian spouse with this in mind.

Time is spent in developing friendships with this thought.

Sadly, the influence is often reversed and Christians are drawn away from their convictions into activities they never dreamed before, rather than changing the world by their influence.

Let us keep a close check on who is influencing who.

The Magic Of Thinking Big…

David Schwartz authored a book by this title years ago. The design of this post is not to address the nature of his book, but the idea behind the title is worth considering.

Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus references God’s power to dwell in the realm beyond all we ask or think.

The tendency for most leaders is to think too small (I fit this category). We can excuse it with a number of reasons, but we often place God in a box where we limit Him by thinking He will not do something because we are convinced we cannot do it.

We need to stop placing these limitations on God and start thinking big, at least bigger than we have in the past.

We know God’s desire for the world and we must not think the task of world evangelism is impossible. Nor should we think we are unable to accomplish this task.

God has equipped us with the people and the tools to get the job done. It is up to us to start planning how we can work together to achieve the goal.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Constructive

To be constructive is to be involved in something that is useful with a tendency to build up. The thought behind this concept is powerful when applied to the field of leadership.

When leaders are constructive, life and leadership change before them.

Constructive leaders are characterized by several key qualities.

They have a vision for what is right, rather than what is wrong.

They possess an understanding of what is beneficial, as opposed to harmful.

They provide tools to assist followers in reaching their potential, not holding them back.

They are driven by the desire to achieve the good of others before focusing on themselves.

These four ideas are just a beginning point when thinking about the nature of constructive leadership. The characteristics listed are four reasons why constructive leaders are defined by their usefulness to others and the overall organization.

When the church is led by a constructive leadership, growth to maturity in a spiritual sense and numerical growth through their influence on the church will naturally go hand in hand.

The time to consider how to be more constructive is worth it.

The Finish Line In View…

At the beginning of a race, the idea of focusing on the finish line does not always seem natural.

Yet, the finish line is what must be in the mind of the participant. Without knowing where the finish line is and keeping it in full view, the following occurs:

1) The motivation for starting and enduring is eliminated because there is no purpose to begin. Why would anyone want to begin something when there is no reason?

2) The preparation suffers for the same reasons. What should someone prepare for if there is no reason to prepare and no reward for the effort?

3) The direction is nonexistent. Without a finish line to focus on there is no way to have direction. Instead, we tend to wander around in circles.

Leaders have an incredible task before them because they have the responsibility of helping others see the finish line. When this is accomplished, people are motivated; they prepare properly for the journey; and they have a vision of where to go and how to get there.

Consider what God has done for us and lead with that in mind.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“I learned that we can do anything, but we can’t do everything… at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything.” Dan Millman

The reality of the first line can be tough. How many times do leaders find themselves in a position where they are trying to do everything and become so overloaded or overcommitted, the stress levels are through the roof.

At least one key thought is expressed in the idea of priorities: when to do what needs to be done. The idea involves evaluating what must be done today.

Too often it is easy to be consumed with thinking about what should be done tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. We feel overwhelmed and accomplish nothing, as if we do not know where to start. The key is examining what “has” to be done today and prioritizing those matters, then getting to work.

Within no time, we will find that the timing falls into place perfectly and everything works out.

Certain Habits…

We are told it takes 21 days to develop a habit. If we work on a specific activity or trait for 21 days straight, it should become a habit.

What is meant by a habit? How much time should be given each day to reinforce something to make it a habit? What about good versus bad habits?

These questions are valid for developing the kind of habits needed in leadership.

First, when something becomes a habit, it is more like second nature, or perhaps first nature. We naturally participate in some activity or we develop a trait that is done or seen without thinking. We just do it.

Second, the amount of time necessary to reinforce the activity or trait development depends on the dedication of the individual who seeks to develop the habit.

Third, some habits are good and some are bad. Interestingly enough, it seems so much easier to develop bad habits than it is the good ones.

Further still, is the challenge of breaking the bad habits: a post for another day.
Leaders need to be diligent in developing the kind of habits that promote godliness.

The End Of A Matter…

A number of phases exist when working on various projects.

The planning phase is where we dream, research, and begin organizing the direction and tasks involved to reach specific goals.

The activation phase is where we implement the activities needed to accomplish the goals we have established.

The evaluation phase is where we examine what has been accomplished at certain check points to insure we are on target.

The completion phase is where we reach the end of the project, the goals have been completed, and the rewards are enjoyed.

These four phases have application for nearly every area of life, including our relationship with God and leadership in His kingdom.

We find that each phase has good and bad, highs and lows, as well as, consequences and rewards. The difference involves careful planning and execution of each phase.

Leading others is about helping them see the value of reaching the end. Far too many quit before reaching the end, maybe because of frustration, challenges, lack of will-power, or a hundred other reasons.

Our task is to keep others focused on reaching the end with faithful dedication.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Purpose

The reason for which something is done, created, or for which it exists: this is the definition of the word for the week and it is significant when examining one’s leadership.

What is the reason for which we lead?

How is our leadership created?

Why does our leadership exist?

These three questions should provoke thought on our part when considering our leading others.

The reason we lead needs to be for the cause of Jesus, helping others prepare to stand before the throne of the Almighty God with a confidence based on the blood of Jesus.

Our leadership is created through learning and experience. Perfection is not attainable, but we strive for it, each day learning and applying what we learn to help others.

Our leadership exists because God planned, designed, and needs His people to have the desire and motivation to assume the task of changing the world, one soul at a time.

The purpose for which people approach life may vary depending on the worldview of the individual. As Christians, however, we know that the purpose for which we exist is to glorify our God!

A Time For…

The most precious commodity in existence is time. Thinking about an existence without time is an impossibility, because all we know is based on time, from the time we are born to the time we die.

We intellectually know the Bible speaks of a day when time will no longer exist, but we are incapable of comprehending it. Even the way we speak about eternity is measured in time, as we say we will “spend” eternity in heaven or hell.

Our life exists within this span known as time.

Since we have been given this measure and moment of time, it should concern us to think about how we use our time while it exists.

We can use our time for ourselves, selfishly using every minute for pleasure. The book of Ecclesiastes informs us this is vanity.

The alternative is to use our time for others. Herein lies the purpose of our life and leadership. The greatest fulfillment and satisfaction of life is to use our time for others, helping them physically and spiritually reach their potential.

If everyone focused on this, imagine what the world would be like.