Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“There is no better test of a man’s integrity than his behavior when he is wrong.” Marvin Williams

Our culture is very proud. This is true in most, if not, all countries. Perhaps it is “human nature.” Maybe we were born this way.

Whatever we want to think, the concept of being wrong is not a pleasant or acceptable situation for most of us.

We do not want to admit or acknowledge we were wrong. Somehow, the older we get, the more difficult it is to admit.

We often live in denial, develop enemies, strive to destroy the character of others, or become more arrogant.

Yet, it is a simple matter of humility and the thought of today is one that speaks volumes when considering leadership.

Leaders never want to think of themselves as being wrong. Followers, also, do not want to believe that their leaders could be wrong. So, the cycle of pride continues.

Rare is the leader who, when faced with the reality of being wrong, has the integrity to admit they are wrong, accept the consequences, and learn from it to correct the situation.

A Different Way To Lead…

Books on leadership abound with information that deals with how to lead, improving our leadership, styles of leading, and thousands more.

This post is not going to address anything new to most who are reading. However, the way we lead is certainly different from the ways most often suggested.

A learning leader is one who is always open to learn from others, listening to what is said and how it is said, as well as, constantly seeking ways to improve who they are, what they are, and how they lead others.

When leaders are open to learn, the opportunities are greater for obtaining the wisdom of others who have a depth of knowledge and experience that exceeds their own.

When leaders approach each situation with a learners’ heart, they demonstrate an attitude of humility that understands the necessity of being a servant-leader.

No leader will ever know “everything,” but when leaders are ready to learn they will find their influence is greater and what is accomplished will leave a lasting legacy.

Where Would We Be Without Leadership?

The answer to this question is given in the Old Testament. Two times in the book of Judges, the Bible points out that when there was no leadership, “every man did what was right in his own eyes.”

Looking around at the world today would seem to indicate that while there are leaders in different venues, far too many people are living as though there is no leadership.

While leadership is not what it should be, and this is true in almost every venue, it must not be this way for our influence as Christians.

Too many only reflect the leadership they see, and it is often a negative, abusive, manipulative, and corrupt form of leading.

Christians, however, are not following the leadership seen in an example of the human kind. We are following the leadership of the almighty God who came in the form of human flesh, lived a life of humble service, and gave His life as a sacrifice for all.

As we measure up the example of our life before others, perhaps leading with such intent will instill in others the hope of a better tomorrow.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Principles

A principle is defined as a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct.

Where these principles are found and how they are applied becomes critical to the development of our leadership.

We are all aware of those who seem to live without any principles to guide and direct their manner of life, that is, their behavior.

Christians are leading everyday by their example. We find that the principles which determine our conduct are foundational to the influence of our leadership. The world around us then measures what they hear and see by the profession of our faith.

If the principles by which we proclaim the gospel do not align with an example evidenced by word and deed, accusations of hypocrisy are rightly made.

The principles defining our behavior must be built on the solid foundation of scripture. We must take the word of God as our guide and allow it to breathe life into our character.

When this happens, lives change and souls are influenced for the cause of our Master and Lord.

For The Future Of Leadership…

When we consider the future, what does leadership look like for the church?

Do we see larger numbers of leaders guiding and shepherding the church according to the biblical model?

Do we see congregations influencing more people for the cause of Christ because of the example set by leadership in the church?

If this is the vision we have for the future of leadership, then we need to consider how we will accomplish this vision.

We have already experienced what waiting to see if people develop on their own accomplishes, and the outcome has not be favorable.

We must be proactive in developing the future of leadership through training. The Lord’s church needs solid leaders, and we are not only responsible, but we will be held accountable for the approach we are taking to the development of leadership for the future.

Nothing will happen by accident. Leaders do not just wake up one day and say, “I’ll lead.” They must be groomed carefully, strategically, and biblically in order to direct the future of the church.

The time is now. Let us pursue the task with diligence.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement — and we will make the goal.” Robert Collier

We all receive criticism in various areas of life. We may be criticized for our job performance, our choice of clothes, friends, use of money, etc.

Criticism can be seen as negative or positive. Regardless, how we use the criticism of others is critical to the formation of our own leadership.

Apart from focusing on the criticisms of life, we need to remember it is easier to criticize someone else for their performance or choices than it is to be vulnerable enough to get involved and help.

We should also consider the difference that can be made with a little praise and encouragement. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, or people met on a day-to-day basis, if we learn to be a little less critical of the decisions of others and strive to provide a bit of praise or encouragement, we might be surprised at the difference it makes in leading them to greater success.

An Accelerated Pace…

At times, life seems to go by at “break-neck” speed. Everything happens so quickly we wonder how we can ever keep up. Granted, there are many days when a slower pace would be a nice change of pace.

Life, however, does not work this way and it is not as easily planned as we might like. It is not uncommon to hear people talk about how they start the day with one idea of what they want to accomplish, but those plans are quickly changed by the people who enter the path of the day or events that unfold.

Leadership often works the same way. There will be days when we want to accelerate the pace to accomplish certain tasks or reach specific goals. Other days will move us to try and slow everything down.

The key is learning a couple of thoughts: 1) prioritize what must be done today, 2) be flexible to what happens – fast or slow, 3) never hesitate to ask for help when needed, and 4) trust in God’s providence; it is amazing how and where God is working if we are only looking.

A Chance To Change The World…

Maybe you are thinking, it is only a dream. Perhaps it is a scam or an incredible sales pitch, and maybe that is true.

However, as long as our leadership is limited to thinking that the opportunity to change the world is an impossibility, we never will.

Change occurs one person at a time, but if we can take that one person and groom them them to do the same, we are multiplying the sphere of influence.

Now, consider taking that same sphere of influence into a classroom where twenty to thirty people are groomed, the figures multiply more quickly.

While we are considering the possibilities, imagine following this same process in 50 locations around the world. What started as an effort to change the life of one person is now influencing the lives of hundreds, or even thousands.

The power of this process is magnified to incredible heights when those who are influenced in each location go and change the lives of those within their sphere of influence.

This is how we change the world and it begins with you and me. May God use us to do so!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Measure

Not everything is measurable. Sadly, we tend to gauge success only by what can be tangibly measured.

To measure is to determine the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units or by comparing with an object of known size.

While this has been our approach to determine “growth” in the work of the Lord’s church (number of baptisms, restorations, church plants, etc.), is this the most appropriate and accurate measurement?

We have no way of determining the measure of someone’s knowledge. We have no way to determine the long-term impact of the gospel once it is sown.

How should we then approach our leadership in matters of the church?

First, leave the measuring to God. He has the only accurate way of measuring what happens.

Second, be consistent. Do not try to measure growth in another location unless measuring by the same standard in our own location.

Third, remember goals are important, but our job is to plant and water; God will give the increase.

If we do our part, God will do His and the measurement will always be right.

It Is Well, Or Is It?

A number of songs throughout most hymnals have powerful messages. There are songs of encouragement, exhortation, praise, and motivation.

In one particular hymnal there are two songs (one that is very popular) that have two distinct messages, yet with strikingly similar titles.

One song is a question and the other is an affirmation. The first asks, “Is it well with your soul?” The second states, “It is well with my soul.”

Apart from the stories behind the writing of these two hymns, the message from the titles gives an interesting foundation for a lesson in leadership.

In an effort to lead others to heaven, we must ask the question with the intent of providing the guidance to provide the affirmation.

Are we concerned with and asking others about the condition of their soul? Are we striving to help them see their relationship with God in light of what God’s word teaches?

Above all, we must focus on sharing a message that will leave others with the kind of confidence that allows them to say, “It is well with my soul.”