Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.


Is it possible to reach our ultimate potential? Absolutely!!! How?

Do not limit God. Just because we are convinced we “can’t” do something, does not mean God “won’t.”

Start thinking BIG! God has the power to do far beyond all we ask or think.

Remind others of the possibilities. A reminder of what can be done is often enough to move others into action.

Develop the plan into smaller sections.
The overall plan can be overwhelming, but breaking it down into smaller pieces makes it workable.

Begin NOW! Procrastination and hesitation are killers to our potential.

Potential is too important to wait.


How do leaders motivate those who are unmotivated?

Begin by asking a few simple questions.

1) Does the unmotivated know they are supposed to do these actions?

2) Do they know how to perform these actions as expected?

3) When was the last time they were reminded?

4) Are the reasons clear why these actions are important, necessary, and valuable?

5) Are the guidelines clear and the consequences for not doing these actions?

People are motivated in different ways.

We need a strategy that involves teaching others how to get from point A to point B. This is the first step in motivating the unmotivated.


Respect is often a two-way street, but the challenge involves earning respect.

A few simple ideas can help leaders approach this subject with greater success.

Be dedicated to the Lord: Focus on Christ and make the souls of others a priority.

Be consistent: Posner and Kouzes say, “The video needs to match the audio.”

Love people: A deeper understanding of love might help us understand why it covers a multitude of sins.

We could argue whether respect is earned or demanded. However, applying a few simple principles to our leadership will answer the questions.

Difficult to Lead

Why do more not lead? One of the top reasons involves the difficultly.

We have all heard, “If it were easy everyone would do it.” Well, it is not easy. At the same time, everyone is doing it. We all influence others. Maybe we should ask ourselves, “How do we influence them?”

For good or evil?
To build on the rock or sand?
To walk in the light or darkness?
To be a sheep or a goat?
To live for Christ or against Him?

It is one tough job, but it is worth the effort.

Developing Others

Spiritual leadership should be based on a thought expressed by Harvey S. Firestone, “It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.”

We must equip and train others to lead. Who will replace you and me? Are we preparing them for the work?

From a worldly perspective, leadership is inward focused. One must be self-centered in order to make one’s own way.

Jesus developed the apostles for a task that was quite different. The success of their work continues today.

The success of our leadership, and the future of the church, rests on developing others.


What do we believe and why do we believe it?

Amazingly, and more to the point, when we believe something, we talk about it to others. We express why our belief is so strong. When we do not believe there seems to be no purpose.

Paul told the church at Corinth, “I believe therefore I speak.”

We have opportunity to influence people everyday. It is fundamental to leadership. Do we talk about what we believe? Do we speak about the overwhelming nature of what we believe and why we believe it?

Communication allows us to share a belief system based on the evidence of truth. Make it count!

Know, Go, and Show

Jesus often pointed out how the Pharisees and Sadducees could read the obvious signs in the weather, but were blind to the signs from heaven?

Leadership needs to be about both. We need an eye for the obvious, tune in to the environment and present circumstances around us.

However, we also need a vision for the future. We need to see where we are going and what it will take to get there.

No creative and crafty approach will produce the kind of spiritual leaders God needs today. We need leaders who, as John Maxwell says, “Know the way, go the way, and show the way!”

Success or Failure?

Although the origin is unknown, I’ve heard several versions of this thought, “I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

Many do not lead because they are afraid to fail. If everyone had this attitude, where would we be spiritually? If no one had the courage to lead, what would happen to the church? We know it is impossible to please everyone.


Lead with the Bible as the basis for all decisions.
Make decisions with confidence.
Communicate decisions clearly.
Express why the decisions are made.
Understand not everyone will like or agree with all decisions.

A Complete Summary

“The conclusion, when all has been heard: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.”

This is true for any generation, culture, and country.

What is the conclusion of the matter when it comes to our leadership?

Can we summarize the our purpose as leaders in terms that apply to everyone?

Do we point people to the One with answers for life?

What answer will we give concerning our leadership when called into account?

When we stand before the throne of Christ, let us make sure the conclusion of the matter is clear regarding our leadership.


Keeping up with the movement of time gets more and more challenging.

The clock is ticking.

The bottom line is we all have the same amount time moving at the same speed. We were born into the realm of time and it just keeps ticking.

Spiritual leadership, however, should focus attention on the realm with no time, where the clock never ticks.

We cannot comprehend with our finite minds the eternal realm. It is impossible! By faith we know it exists and at some point the realm of time will end.

We must be ready and we need to influence others to be ready also.