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What Happens When Leadership Fails…Part 2

Few areas are more challenging than to consider what happens when leadership fails. The main reason is because it is accompanied by a loss of trust and respect.

The task before leaders is learning what to do to regain trust and respect when it has been lost.

We begin with considering three negatives: 1) do not try to ignore or deny the failure, 2) do not attempt to cover the failure up, and 3) never blame someone else for the failure (this only worsens the situation).

Instead, there are four positives needed: 1) admit the failure (chances are the followers already know about the failure), 2) be specific about the failure (a general statement does not speak to an understanding and consequence of the failure), 3) ask for forgiveness (saying this is essential to regaining trust and respect is an understatement), and 4) give a step by step plan for overcoming the failure (it is one thing to express the failure, but another to know how to deal with and overcome the failure).

Additional areas could be considered, but a simple upfront approach is where the healing begins.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Tenacity

What a powerful word! The idea is one of standing firmly, the quality of determination. Leaders will always face and endure attacks from opposition. At the same time, leaders will need to be tenacious. When leaders have tenacity in relationship to the truth, spiritual development will always result.

Think for a moment about the nature and application of this word to leadership.

When talking about how to face challenges, leaders hold tenacity.

When working through personal problems, leaders demonstrate tenacity.

When establishing the direction ahead, leaders portray tenacity.

When developing the plans for the future, leaders lead with tenacity.

When needing to achieve the goals set before the group, leaders carry tenacity.

When seeking guidance to make tough decisions, leaders exemplify tenacity.

Developing a persistent character of tenacity to pursue a solution until it is successful takes time. Leaders who possess tenacity lead with perseverance and lay a foundation for success.

Tenacity is a powerful word and one that deserves our time as leaders to develop as we lead others to spiritual growth.

Spiritual Leadership…

How should we define “spiritual leadership?” Realizing there are numerous possibilities to answering this question, perhaps the best approach is to consider a biblical response.

Here are 10 scriptural ways to help define spiritual leaders. Spiritual leaders…

1) Move people to be more like God.

2) Rely on the blood of Christ.

3) Work to accomplish the will of God.

4) Encourage the fainthearted.

5) Admonish the unruly.

6) Strengthen the weak.

7) Seek first the kingdom of God.

8) Pray without ceasing.

9) Search the scriptures daily.

10) Trust fully in the working of God.

These are only 10 suggestions, but require a lifetime to develop in leadership. God’s word challenges us to grow into the spiritual leader He wants and needs us to be for the sake of the saved and lost.

Think Souls.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” Douglas MacArthur

Three words stand out in the first thought expressed by MacArthur: confidence, courage, and compassion. Each of these qualities are a vital part of developing the type of leaders needed within the church.

The last thought expressed is the one most powerful in establishing true spiritual leadership. One word stands out concerning the thought of aligning one’s actions with intent: integrity.

If leaders today will demonstrate the type of qualities identified and the integrity to stand behind those qualities, their leadership will always stand strong and point others to the God who brought them to this position.

Few areas of leadership take greater priority than developing the type of character that possesses and demonstrates the integrity behind these qualities.

Finding Answers…

During life, especially when viewing children and grandchildren, we can relate strongly to the idea of looking for and awaiting answers for the various trials experienced in life.

Fear, anxiety, and frustration can take control quickly. However, we can eliminate these concerns when we learn where to go to find the needed answers during such times.

This raises needed questions when talking about leadership.

Where do leaders go to find answers?

When adversity occurs, where will the answers be found?

When questions arise, where will the answers come from?

Leadership involves providing guidance, direction, encouragement, support, and knowing how to give answers to help others overcome their fears, anxiety, and frustration. Where can a leader go to find the answers?

Prayer is always a good place to start.

Spend time listening to God’s word.

Counsel with others who have wisdom.

Learn the value of trusting in others.

Admit mistakes when they occur.

Never miss the opportunity to learn.

The more we learn the more we are prepared to provide answers for the questions plaguing others.

What Happens When Leadership Fails…Part 1

As mentioned in the past, we are not here to speak for or against persons within political positions of government.

Regardless of where someone positions themselves politically, developments within the legislative and administrative systems of our country have raised several questions about leadership.

The number of quotes and principles stated regarding leadership and what happens when leaders fail to be trustworthy is fascinating.

One primary thought that has been expressed for several years, indicative of recent months, is, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”

On more than one occasion, various news reporters have expressed the idea of accountability. Specifically, one analyst expressed that what leaders must do when mistakes are made is to confess the mistake, take responsibility, and let the chips fall where they may.

A number of ideas could be considered and over the next few weeks we will examine several areas describing what happens when leadership fails.

Leaders will make mistakes and experience failure. How leaders strategically maneuver during these times determines the level of trust to be gained or lost by those who follow.

More next week…

Leadership Word Of The Week…Destination

Do we know where we are going? What will we need to do to get there? How will we know when we arrive?

When traveling we understand the need for a map – at least a plan – to reach our destination in a proper amount of time.

Physically, we make application of this daily. Thinking in terms of spiritual matters introduces us to a critical component to the story.

The spiritual approach is no different. We know the destination and we desire to get there. We anticipate the arrival, but do we know what needs to be done to get there?

If we are not careful, it is so easy to get caught up in the physical areas of life we think less about the spiritual and expect God to just “take care of it.”

Since our destination is heaven, the map / plan God provides is laid out through the pages of His word.

We would think someone foolish not to follow a map to a destination they have never been before. If so, then how much more foolish when the eternal destination is far more consequential?

Surviving The Fallout…

Leadership will always suffer times when difficulties create discouragement. How do leaders survive these times and grow stronger as leaders?

Here a few suggestions to consider.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Knowing adversity will come to leadership helps in preparing beforehand for dealing with those times of discouragement.

Focus on an area of expertise. We might phrase it more accurately, “one at a time.” Discouragement is usually the result of feeling overwhelmed with the enormity.

Learn the value of walking away. There are times when taking a break from the situation and clearing the mind helps leaders in assessing what needs to be done.

Seek counsel with other survivors. One of the most effective ways to handle the adversity of life is through the encouragement of others who have survived the same.

Remember to seek the good in all situations. Advice is always easier to give than follow, and this is no exception. However, there are always lessons learned that benefit leaders.

Leaders cannot avoid, must not ignore, and should never neglect adversity. Instead, learning to survive the fallout when adversity exists makes leaders stronger.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” Andrew Carnegie

One truth about leadership is “everyone is watching.” Children watch. Our spouse watches. Believe it or not, coworkers watch. Neighbors, friends, extended family, the world, they all watch.

Yes, they listen to what we say, but they watch what we do and then take a measurement. How does our leadership measure up?

Throughout the Old and New Testament, on various occasions, God measured the leaders of His people to show them how they failed to measure up to the standard He gave them. On one occasion they failed to teach truth to the people. On another occasion they failed to live a life aligned with His word.

If God were to take a measurement of how we lead His people today, how would we measure up?

Are we teaching truth? Are we living by the standard God has given us?

If not, while it is true others watch us, remember God also watches. Will we measure up?

The Future of…

The initial thought behind this phrase is the future of leadership. While it is an area that certainly needs consideration, it is not the aim of this post.

The purpose is to consider the answer to one question that is interrelated to several thoughts.

How will we lead when we consider the future of…

Our children? The choices they make, places they frequent, friends they associate with, and work ethic they possess depends on our leadership.

Our church? The confidence of the church, their hope for a better tomorrow, and their assurance of an eternal destiny is based on our leadership.

Our neighbors? Who they seek during trials, where they turn with spiritual questions, and how they see Jesus is determined by our leadership.

Our friends? The development of a spiritual focus, thoughts of relationships, and how to deal with giving into temptation is patterned after our leadership.

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles, their understanding of character, and approach to life is shaped by our leadership.

When we consider their future, it is worth giving thought to how we will lead.